Until recently, I had a busy and profitable career as a marketing writer for high tech companies.
In 2019, increasingly alarmed by what I was learning about human-driven climate change, I decided to stop my work for tech clients and apply these skills to communicating and inspiring action on the climate crisis. I now write articles on climate and related environmental issues (spoiler alert: all environmental issues are related!).
As an Al Gore-trained Climate Reality Leader, I often give presentations on climate, and I volunteer for several environmental nonprofits as a consultant, communicator, carbon-reduction lifestyle coach, and even fundraiser and fundraising MC. I also serve on the board of Environmental Forum of Marin, where I work with a small team to produce environmental education webinars which are typically attended by more than 100 people, even though there is a fee.
If you have a writing project that calls for a skilled communicator who can explain complex climate or environmental topics in a relevant “what’s in it for me” way, please reach out to discuss.
"Anne-Christine turned around an on-target, well-written, polished article for me within days. She has now written four stories for Marin Magazine, two of which she pitched to us. Because of her professionalism, environmental expertise, and the quality of her research and writing, she’s now my go-to writer for anything related to the environment or sustainability!"-- Mimi Towle, National Editorial Director, Marin Magazine/Better Magazine